How a Chiropractor Can Help with Herniated Disks

A chiropractor can treat many conditions relating to the neuromuscular system and conditions which affect it like herniated disks. How canherniated disks your chiropractor help you with your herniated disk? Find out with King Chiropractic with locations in Gaithersburg, Potomac, Urbana, and Clarksburg, MD.

What is a herniated disk?
A spinal disk is the part of the spine which cushions the vertebrae. The disk itself has a hard, rubbery exterior and a softer interior. When the disk becomes herniated or develops an issue or abnormality, the softer inside pushes through the harder exterior, normally through a small tear. The herniated disk can cause weakness, numbness, and mild to severe pain. Symptoms of a herniated disk often include arm or leg pain, weakness in the muscles connected to the affected nerves, and numbness or tingling.

How can my chiropractor help my herniated disk? 
Treating a herniated disk depends on the patient and the severity of their condition. However, chiropractic care can provide non-invasive treatment for a herniated disk. Chiropractors focus on using a hands-on approach to treating issues within the fragile neuromuscular system. Your chiropractor can help align the spine, easing the pressure placed on the disk. Your chiropractor’s treatment plan may include spinal manipulation, but can also involve other treatments like massage, pelvic blocking, or flexion techniques.

Herniated Disk Treatment in Gaithersburg, Potomac, Urbana, and Clarksburg
For more information on herniated disks and their treatments, please contact King Chiropractic. Call (301) 926-5200 to schedule your appointment in Gaithersburg, (240) 403-7103 to schedule your appointment in Potomac, (301) 874-9002 to schedule your appointment in Urbana, or (240) 745-2151 to schedule your appointment in Clarksburg today!